The Rise
Divine Feminine energy is frequency. It is the vibration of the Goddess. It is the Yin. Divine Feminine is heart energy. It is the creation energy that begins, sustains and refreshes.
So, why are we talking about Diving Feminine here?..... Because it is RISING; Powerfully. It has been for quite some time but in this experience on our planet of 3rd dimensional release and 5th dimensional anchoring, it is rising to lead the charge. How is this energy frequency experienced? Let’s take a look.
Divine Feminine qualities are: (in part)
Experienced by Going Within
In the “flow”
A State of Being
About Empowerment
Why is this rising Divine Feminine so important to understand? Well, it is within all of us and it is coming forward with the purpose of awakening those qualities listed above, so that we can MERGE them with Divine Masculine; the yang. This is important. This is not a male vs female thing. It is not a nod for women over men.
For understanding purposes, let’s look at Divine Masculine briefly.
Divine Masculine energy is: (in part)
Focused on power
In need of control
Many women carry dominant masculine energy just as many men carry dominant feminine energy. However, the dominant energy that has served us beautifully for millennia has been, and continues to be, Divine Masculine...and it is no longer needed in the driver's seat all alone. The Divine Masculine is not prone to giving in without a fight; that is not its beautiful nature. So, it is temper tantruming. A lot! The mind/ego, which is masculine in its expression has been in control of our “self” and the collective and it needs to step aside and allow some yummy feminine in. It does not like to share. We must love it and allow the desensitization to begin the transition. Good thing we have these awesome feminine energies coming forward, hey?
We have needed this 3rd dimensional expression of energy in the masculine as we developed as a species. We still need it. It pushes us forward. However, we are moving into releasing 3D and anchoring into 5D and in order to do this we must allow Divine Feminine to enter into the arena with the Divine Masculine.
It is time to embrace emotion and intuition into decision making. It is time to add compassion to assertiveness. The moment is here for a full-embodiment of self through love, grace, empathy and understanding. This leads to connection to others as a unified experience of all.
We are ready for this balance to lead us. IF we connect and nurture; IF we choose it.
How can we connect and nurture our own Divine Feminine rising? Let’s look at that!
Five steps to Ignite your Divine Feminine energy:
1 - Listen
When you listen to your inner knowing you activate the feminine flow. Intuition is a gift of the Divine Feminine. It is an experience of knowing without understanding how you know. When you get quiet and actively connect to your Divine Feminine intuition, you say yes to receiving the inspiration (feminine) that brings idea into activation (masculine).
This means that in order for us to hear our intuition, we must actively get into the silence. When you focus on Divine Feminine qualities, you activate your focus in the silence. Whether you are moving through the business of life or sitting in a meditation, you can hear your inner guidance. It is, however, a practice. Start today.
2 - Create Movement
Feminine energy is fluid; like the wind over the prairie or the dancing water of a river. It is a building energy of creation. So...., dance, walk, do yoga. Put on music and let the flow of the melody and rhythm of the beat direct you. Notice how you respond. Let your intuition guide you in your movements and expression. Allow emotions to flow.
3 - Journal
Journaling is an imperative tool for connecting to your emotion and activating Divine Feminine energy. It assists in opening the flow of emotion so you can “feel all the feelings”. Embrace the feelings. Be with them in the silence and then release without judgement. Start simply with a daily sentence stem like, “Today I am feeling…….” then write.
Our emotions are a source of Divine Feminine wisdom. Honor them in yourself and others.
4 - Connect with Mudras
Mudras are hand gestures that you utilize to shift your energy toward the Divine Feminine. In addition to the Anjali (prayer) mudra, another powerful mudra is the Yoni (meaning womb) Mudra. This mudra is helpful in calming your thoughts and allowing connection to creative flow. The Kali Mudra is about using your feminine energy to step into power and create change. To create this connection, you lace your fingers together and cross your left thumb over and on top of your right thumb. You then complete the mudra by straightening your pointer fingers while touching them together and pointing them. You are directing energy with this position. Play with how it feels, pointing your fingers, inward toward you, out from the body or up/down.
When activating your Divine Feminine through these mudras, simply be in the stillness while using your breath practices during the holding of the positions for 5 minute intervals.
5 - Create sacred space for practicing connection
The Divine Feminine within loves and responds beautifully to the creation and nurturing of sacred spaces in which you connect. So, create a space in your world where you can practice meditation, mindfulness, breath-work, verbal sharing of affirmations. The practice of Pranayama; ancient breathing technique, assists you to connect more fully with your body and allow soulful connection with the Universe. Use your Sacred space to practice connecting to your Divine Feminine through breath-work. Light candles. Soften your emotions. Connect with love of self.
Gather items that are meaningful to you. Use anything that resonates with you; candles, crystals, elements of nature, water, books, figurines, pictures… Keep these items in the high vibration energy of the space. Use them and the space in reverence and you will increase your effectiveness of connection with the Divine.