The Lens
We are in extraordinary times.
July will continue to bring us further into incredible expansion.
This will be a month of rising awareness and experience that will bring continued opportunity for you to choose how to respond to situations, events and people from a place of compassion versus reacting from a 3rd dimensional space of fear and separation.
Duality has been our experience of the world. We are at a transition/transformation point in time, where we need to cross bridges into grace and unity with one another. We are waking up in waves of consciousness all over the world!
The rising Divine Feminine is here in all her yummy qualities to reach out to take the hand of the Divine Masculine. There is confusion and unfamiliarity in the experiences of those carrying primarily Divine Masculine energy at this time. Those with more masculine are opening up to experiences of compassion, unity, love, grace, forgiveness, equality and understanding in ways they have never before. It is a time to show grace for that experience.
Here’s the thing, we all carry within us both the masculine and feminine. These energetic qualities are moving toward balance; toward unity. For millennia, the masculine has “run the show” and we are at a point of consciousness evolution where that is no longer serving us. This means the 3rd dimension structures, supports and systems we have created must break down and shift into a new vision that serves us.
This is not easy to witness.
We can choose to release our experience of duality by fully anchoring into the 5th dimension of compassion. This requires us to understand that our truth is our truth and that everything has the right to exist. Our alignment with what is required for our lessons and gifts to be shown brings forth our set of experiences and how we see the world. Duality has persisted because we have spent all our time arguing for why our vision of the world is correct, why someone else’s is wrong and how their view can/should/must be fixed, changed or influenced through information so they see the correct vision.
If we want duality to continue, we can keep choosing this. We can continue on the beautiful wandering path while cycling back into ourselves, the same lessons over and over again, OR, we can anchor into love. We must release our limiting belief of my way up the mountain is the only way because that is my experience. Our lens is moving into unity experience.
Our lens and filters show us a world based on our opportunities, safety, sense of power and level of trust we were born into. Brushed and detailed with our experiences, wounding, past life influences, the way we were raised, our current/limiting beliefs, etc…
What IF we finally understood that our vision of the world is simply seen through our filters and lens leading to our truth of experience; AND someone else has a vision of the world as seen through different filters and lenses leading to their truth of experience?
When we continue to cycle in the energy of the past, we give away our co-creative power of birthing something new; a new unified experience. We must give honor and reverence to who we were and where we have been and then celebrate our moving into new expressions.
TRUTH MOMENT: We don’t lose the truth of our vision just by acknowledging another’s truth. They are both true. In fact, all vision is true. We step further into ascension consciousness when we understand that we can never see through another person's lens and filters but we can honor that it also equally exists WITH yours. Boom.