Silence. Reflection. Go Within
Sometimes we need to stop. Just pause, and take note of how we are in the space of now. This feels like a period of time that is a pause between breaths. We’ve moved through big times and pivots in the past several months and more is to come. Take a break. Look at where you are right now. Evaluate.
Surrender your defenses. This is actually required to really be in the breath between the breath. Part of the purpose of the past several months was to wake us up to where we are locked in a rigid belief structure. Do you replay the narrative of “life is hard“, “there’s not enough money“, “it’s always done this way“? Do you believe that everything is going to be OK? Relax. Look at where you are. What have you learned about yourself? What are you shedding in order to pivot? You are being guided to trust yourself. What you are focusing on is what you are creating and perpetuating.
“Keep your eyes on the Divine at all times“ -Archangel Zadkiel.
There is such a push to bring “awareness“ to issues and events that have been part of our lower vibrational existence. When we focus on the problems of 3D, we push the narrative and actually EXPAND the energy of it. Become solution focused and detach from any drama. These lower frequency experiences will not survive where we are headed in 5D. It will shed itself through solutions created from compassion. Relax. Trust. Look up. This is where we must focus. Drama, conspiracy and fear is an addiction. It keeps you anchored outside of the truth. Have faith.
Everything in our life is a mirror. The energy of the Myrian is here for us. They are twin flame mirror energies of each other. They help us to move through grief. You are immersed in their holy light and it brings you a renewed, connected sense of oneness with spirit. Can you let go of drama and your “side“ and see the light of God in everything and everyone?
{Credit: Kyle Gray -Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards with artwork by Lily Moses}
Forgive yourself for not seeing the perfection in all perception, expression and experiences. The past several months have brought in grief. We are supported in the processing of this.
This requires commitment to this journey. You are wise and have much to share with others when standing in your authentic truth. We are all becoming more aware of ourselves. We have to be willing to look at our own stuff. The only way to really do this is to realize that what is happening outside of us is a matrix of our own creation. If you are locked into events you have given away your power and are falling victim to the illusion of what set you off being “helped” only for the purpose of distraction from real events and keeping you in the chosen space of separation. All who came before you are speaking now. Listen. What have you learned?
Love. Specifically Divine Feminine is the answer. (Go back and reconnect to last months newsletter email.) We cannot lift if we are immersed in the illusion, drama and fear. It doesn’t matter how noble your cause is, if you are focused on the problem and bringing awareness to it, you are perpetuating it. If you are truly looking for change you must create solutions from a new space; an ascended space. 5th dimension. Trust that as we anchor here, all that expresses lower will be required to shed. Honor and love yourselves; mind, body and soul. Sacred union.
1. Step into the silence
2. Surrender your defenses
3. Become solution focused
4. Forgive yourself