Lisa Almquist

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The Fight of the Ego

The Ego is a vital part of our consciousness evolution.  It plays a beautiful and required part for us all. And we have ALL lived in a space where it was the major controller of our life. 

What is Ego? 

The Ego is the mind part of our union. It is the place that carries out its only purpose with unrelenting tenacity. And that purpose is to keep us safe. It only is concerned about you and it runs most fluidly in the fertilizer of fear. Familiar fodder of struggles, worries, anxiety, blame, judgment, shame, etc… are some of its favorite energies. 

So why is the ego such an important part of our experience? We need it to keep us from being reckless and running with proverbial scissors. The problem is that our ego has been in the driver's seat and now we need it to get in the passenger seat for a while.  We have been, for millennia, under the direction of the ego instead of accessing it as the servant to the soul. 

The ego is what we are experiencing when we are triggered.  It is the home of our shadow selves; our wounding, our traumas, our conditioning, our limiting beliefs. This is part of us that wants to control. To what end? All-ways to keep you safe; to keep you in a predictable box where you stay alive, but do not thrive.

You may ask, “If I am safe with my ego running the show, why do I want to step outside of it and let my higher self take over the job?” 

Answer: To ascend into a higher experience and vibration of life where your soul leads you to why you are here. BONUS…you are safe here too, but the unfamiliarity of BEING in the unsettling experience of a triggered ego and stepping through it offers you the illusion of being unsafe.

How do we know when it is running the show?

Ego is running the show when you are dancing in Victim Consciousness. Check out this previous blog and come back. 

As we move up through the Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening and lift out of 3rd-dimensional consciousness, we open up into the frequency that we are in right now as a collective. This step is spiritual activism.  This is the space where you are opened into an awareness of “we” “us” consciousness.  BUT, and this is a big but…you BELIEVE that you have the right way, the only way, the gifted and enlightened answer that no one else has, and you insist that everyone follows you on your path since it is the right one. Here births the spiritualized ego and spiritual arrogance.  This is where we are. And this space is the most dangerous of evolutionary spaces. Ego is so slick in this space that you don’t see that it is running the show. 

How can you know? There are signs for you to look for. Beginning with blame being cast upon everyone outside of themselves. They are unable to see that they are operating from their own place of emotional wounding. It is someone else's fault that they are experiencing pain and defending by claiming ideals that are grander than others. In this, they do not take any responsibility for their reactions or emotions. In this projection of blame, they will distort facts and use out-of-context information to support their projection and gain allies.  They will use phrases like, “That is just wrong” and “this is right” while supporting their judgment with self-inflated higher principles. This is done while shutting down other viewpoints or possibilities while feeling and expressing that their awareness is specialized to them and would be supported by others.

What can we do to support ourselves?  

Firstly, realize that we must all look at ourselves in our interactions when we are triggered and the Ego is at play. Secondly, ask yourself the following five questions:

  1. Is blame being cast?

  2. Is responsibility being taken?

  3. Are all the facts known in full?

  4. Is there a sense of hierarchy and grandiosity?

  5. Is there a sense of separation?

Looking at these questions will help bring clarity AND you must look into your OWN role in all of it.

There are two ways of seeing when the Ego is “freaking out”. One way is to see that the illusionary safety need is not ready to relax into surrender of peace. The second way is to lift and observe the “freak out” when it is occurring and lean into what is the deeper separation energy that fuels the “freak out”.  This is where you heal and step into the awareness of a unified experience through oneness. This is how you put the Ego in the passenger seat and let your soul take the wheel.

In this second option, you can then surrender and simply state, “Higher-self, show me the way.”

Check out Five Steps to Break Free for a more in-depth look at how to claim your mastery presence of soul consciousness through breaking free of the egoic reality.

Three Things to Know in This Months Energy

  1. Cosmic dates to pay attention to are: 9/9; a power feminine flow day.  Let go and allow your higher-self to guide you. This is also when Mercury moves fully into its retrograde. 9/10; the full manifestation moon in Pisces. Empowered guidance is here in the moon phase as you open up into the flow as you create your experiences. This moon will offer you exactly what you are aligned with. Be intentional with what is fueling your life. 9/22; equinox comes in bringing a switch of seasons and a life-balancing reset. Will you choose peace? 9/26 new moon in Libra carries a bonus with Jupiter in its closest positioning to Gaia.  Get ready for miracles and blessings to show up. Balance, harmony, love, beauty, and abundance amplified by Libran new moon effects, when paired up with Jupiter, bring forward a massive energetic bounce. 

  2. The amplified Cosmic energy of the month is here as support to move through continued shadow work.  Personal and collective Egoic situations and events will play out.  Victim Consciousness is peaking. Stand in your balance and harmonic mastery presence fueled by the field of neutrality.  See the bigger picture from a higher perspective. Much spiritualized ego/arrogance will continue to be seen.  Where are YOU in this? Fear plays in the Ego. Get out of the sandbox.

  3. This month of AWARENESS will show ALL where they are in an experience of judgment. Watch for where your emotions, mind, and ego distract you. Lift into a higher presence of beingness and let these things inform you instead of running the show. September brings great unification or great polarization. We will experience an intensely up-and-down energy dance this month. Ride the BIG waves with trust, compassion, and love for yourself and ALL. This is a huge month for judgment within yourself. Where and who are you in your truest expression?  Look deeply.

I will be connecting live within the Awakening Spirit Membership throughout this month on the topics above. If you would like to join me learn more!