What is LaHo-Chi & Angel Light

Now that alternative healing modalities are becoming more known and accepted, you are probably hearing about many different types. 

Two energy healing modalities that seem to always come forward in my healing/balancing sessions are LaHo-Chi and Angel Light.  My healing sessions are always unique and flow from direction from source so no two are ever alike. 

So, let’s look at LaHo-Chi.

This ancient form of energetic healing enables you to shift and heal with intensive results.  A safe and complete healing form, LaHo-Chi works at the superconscious level (aspect closest to God Consciousness), setting up a template for healing on all levels.

LaHo-Chi is a very high frequency of healing energy with roots in ancient China, which utilizes the laying-on of hands.  It was rediscovered in 1991 during a channeling session by spiritual teacher Satchamar, in response to Michael David Lawrence’s request for a comprehensive healing system. “As defined by Michael David Lawrence (1991), if one breaks down the name LaHo-Chi: “La” refers to the light, love and wisdom coming from God or Spirit through the healer or the vessel; “Ho” is the energetic movement of this light, love and wisdom in a horizontal, vertical and diagonal direction into the person receiving the energy; and “Chi” is the Chinese term for life-force or “prana” in the east Indian system which brings vitality, more life force, and more spirit to the person. Chi is the Chinese term for Universal Energy.” (1)

What are More Potential Benefits of Receiving LaHo-Chi?

  • Intensive personal healing & self-empowerment on all levels

  • Divine Communion

  • Release of past traumas

  • Increased access to your natural gifts

  • The experience of your own divinity

How does LaHo-Chi work? Though of a very high frequency, LaHo-Chi is a simple and complete system of safe healing energy that works on the superconscious level to facilitate profound transformation on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It activates a blueprint for total healing.  The Higher Self of the receiver then draws through whatever degree and manner of healing is most perfect for the individual at that time.  The resulting energetic changes are permanent.  Since It works with the complete meridian system, it opens up blockages releasing energy to freely move. Clearing of your energy field is experienced and a greater ease of expansion of your energy is noted.  

There is a symbiotic relationship between healer and receiver, as both receive healing simultaneously.

LaHo-Chi may be re-invoked by the healee on their own to receive further benefits for at least three days following the session.

Angel Light is an invoking of healing energy from the angelic and archangelic realm.  This energy can be called in and used to address specific issues or as an overall add of healing/balancing for the receiver. This can be included with LaHo-Chi or utilized separately.

I encourage you to explore any and all types of energy healing. There is a modality for everyone.  Try them out. See what feels aligned for YOU!

Information on LaHo-Chi not referenced below was taken from empoweringlightworks.com/  (This is where I received my training in LaHo-Chi.)

(1) – lahochi.org/laho-chi/spiritual-growth/

Three Things to Know in This Months Energy

  1. October begins the energetic experience of 2023! Remember, we have released the linear time experience and in doing so have the ability to experience time moments simultaneously.  Be ready for a massive month of energy. We will move into experiences based on the new awarenesses that gained clarity in September.  Specifically in the area of judgments that you now see you were holding through your limiting beliefs. Listening to your Divine knowing instead of what you are being told is key. Lies, manipulation and distortion of truth are everywhere and this month kicks it up a notch. The solar eclipse/ Scorpio new moon of 10/25 supports working on your self-mastery skills. This eclipse is hiding from you the thing you use as an unhealthy choice.  Addictions, sabotage behaviors and self-beat up will bring you the opportunity to choose if that is really what you want. This all brings great gifts in the experience of finally releasing your self judgment. Watch for where hesitancy, doubt and fear keep you sabotaging the connection to a higher version of yourself.

  2. Mercury, Pluto and Saturn all go direct this month. Pluto and Saturn’s return direct are particularly impactful as they showed us their impact in the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020. This month begins a six month touch back to this energy and reconnect you to the lessons you learned during that time. Reshaping of our world and lives is in process. This time is an opportunity to step up in your activated mastery and, like the magician you are, alchemically command your life instead of demanding that others conform to your beliefs. Can you see the collective as oneness in its truest sense; that we are one energy, not a collection of one energies?

  3. October is a game changer month. We will navigate through clear experiences of a dismantling 3D world by traversing connection points and timelines shifts. New ways are here and the old ways of doing things and the people who gain over others by their continuation will temper tantrum. Let them. Send love and move forward in compassion. We will continue to see events play out on the world stage around the energies of power, greed and control. Practice being in the energy of joyful empowerment, connection and surrender. Much will feel like it is spiraling out of control but remember that the crumbling must happen as we shift into higher states of being.

I will be connecting live within the Awakening Spirit Membership throughout this month on the topics above. If you would like to join me learn more!