Spiritual Fatigue

I’m tired. You’re tired. We are ALL tired. It feels like we have been on this awakening journey FOREVER; and in fact, we have.  The thing is though, we have no other way we can be. We are spiritual beings having a human experience in our bodies of form. The spiritual journey is never ending. This is the way it is. So, why are we so tired? 

Let’s consider the following points as fuel for why we are in spiritual fatigue:

  • We don’t have to search for the next thing to heal. BUT, that is what we seem to do. We are in a hurry to heal ourselves so that we can release the uncomfortableness of our current experience. We tire ourselves out by not releasing the program that if we are not “working hard” and digging for the next thing, that we are not healing. Healing is a dance of awareness, process, grief, release and rest. Yes, REST. We skip over this and immediately try to find the next thing. STOP. The only thing we need to do is BE. What is ready for us to heal will come to the surface in its own time and in its own way. BEING is how you will become aware of it when it does.

  • You don’t need to search outside of yourself for answers or guidance. We spend countless hours trying to get in touch with our spirit guides and loved ones who have passed to give us guidance. We are missing the point when we bypass the awareness that we have all the answers within ourselves. We access them when we release fear of the future based on experiences of the past and stay in presence. When you are present, you are far more likely to “know” and “hear” your own guidance and access your Divine wisdom.

  • We are in a hurry to get to a destination where we are the highest version of ourselves. There is this incessant drive to be better, more connected, happier… and this is actually creating the opposite thus opening a spiraling experience spinning you in circles. We panic that we will not get there or not become our soulful selves. Why are we in such a rush? We are each an infinite presence and therefore have all the “time” in the world. Life is the process and the journey is the destination. The “NOW” and pure presence of you in your now moment is all that there really is. You literally have all the time in the world. Pause. Breathe. Rest.

  • We are constantly trying to raise our frequency to match a vibration to what we desire. This is backwards. We have been taught that in order to manifest that which we desire, we must work to increase our vibration to match it. That is exhausting because it is a cycle of mismatch. I offer you this. We already emit the highest frequency of our soul selves. Everything that is a match for that is already here waiting for you. In our zeal to get it we actually repel it by not understanding that everything we need is already here. When we don’t experience the life we desire, we think that it is not being manifested because of our frequency when it is actually because we are holding it AWAY. We waste precious energy in this dance. If we look at what shadow aspect is in our awareness (i.e.: what we are holding back from us and why) we experience light and instantaneous manifestation.

  • We are far too serious about our spiritual processes. Having fun and playing are less exhausting and are more powerful shifters than “working hard”. Fun, laughter, joy, etc… loosens stuck energy; especially when you move your body. So, lighten up; LITERALLY. We take the discovery of our soul's purpose and our reason for being so seriously that we have missed that it is not about what we do. It is about what happens within OTHERS when we do what we do. So all we need to do is pay attention to our relationships, speak our truth and notice how those around us respond.

  • If something has your energetic attention, ask yourself, “Will this matter to me on my deathbed?” If the answer is no, you are giving your energy away to something not necessary. We spend much of our lives in reactionary energy responses to situations, people, events that really don’t matter to us. Take the time to ask yourself if it matters. If it does, this is part of your soul's journey. If it doesn’t and you are triggered, well…there is your next thing that is ready for healing.

  • Ascension energies are bigger than ever before and we have not become present enough to neutralize the draining effects. We have continued to push, push, push and this has led to resistance and fatigue. Surrender to the NOW moment. Being present, lifting into sacred observation, and committing to sovereignty are keys.

Being a soul who’s having a human experience is one of the greatest things in the Universe and we all fought to be here; right now. We must offer ourselves some grace and nurturing and remember that we are not doing it wrong, we don’t have to struggle and … all we really have is infinity to figure it all out.

Enjoy the process.  

The process IS the point.



Three Things to Know in This Month’s February Energy

  1. March will carry a theme of conscious awareness. Leadership is calling us forward through our true soulful essence. In addition, the awareness energy will keep our mind busy. We will need to become fluid in how we connect with what is holding our attention. What is your mind bringing forward for you to gain awareness? Your mind will be screaming at you.

  2. Key dates for March are the 3/3 power day, March 9/10 is the second super new moon of the year offering you amplified beginnings of what you have chosen in February; the 11th with the 11/11 gateway where alchemy of your life is available to you; on March 19 the pre-shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde begins which will build up into another review and reexamination of who you are; March 19/20 also brings us Equinox. Go within and re-look at what you've gone through during the previous season. Give thanks and set your intentions for this new season. March 19 offers you a massive acceleration of ascension. GO. GO. GO.  What voice will you stand in? Will it be love and freedom or something else? Truth is being revealed.  March 24 brings the full moon with a powerful release of anything less than your level of consciousness. And, then we have the first eclipse on 3-24/25 (see below)

  3. It's the beginning of eclipse season again. This doorway (two weeks) opens on 3-24/25 with a penumbral lunar eclipse Libra. This is a more subtle eclipse but don’t let that fool you into thinking that it won’t pack an energetic punch. New direction and information may come in for you. Stay open to this. This eclipse alignment was last here in March of 2006; 18 years ago! This offers an opportunity to reset. What was happening in your life back then? Use the two-week eclipse gateway to manifest with daily, expanded opportunities. Focus and go within. Tend to your inner self. Take action based on your aligned intentions.