Lisa Almquist

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The Themes of 2023

Namaste and welcome to 2023. As you are floating in the transitory energy in the first week of the new year, I trust you have used the space to bring resolution to all things that needed completion, that you cleared your space of the residual energies of 2022 and gave great thanks for the awarenesses that were realized during the past year.

We have an incredible year ahead of us. One of massive transformation; both of you as an individual and of everything outside of you.  This year will be packed full of change and calls to empowerment.  Here is a look at some of the themes I see coming in for us.

Emergence of Your Self-Mastery Your crown chakra and throat will be of ongoing focus this year. You are stepping into the mastery presence of YOU. Sovereignty is key. You are your own king/queen; priest/priestess. You are your own guru.  There will be many that will seek to pull you out of your co-creative power through fear. Know who you are. See the distraction energy at play. Anything that pulls you away from compassion and non-judgement requires your mastery self to discern carefully.

Victim Consciousness: The game board of victim consciousness will continue to be offered as a form of opportunity. Fear, doubt and hesitation will be fortified by the spiritual arrogance that amplifies this year. As more and more people come into their awakening you will see an explosion of healers and intuitives coming on-line; literally and figuratively. New awakening needs groundedness. Be mindful of this ungrounded spirituality. Spiritualized ego and dances in activism are not high-frequency AND moving THROUGH this is a requirement for us all. So, it is to be celebrated but must be discerned. As shadow energies and wounding comes up for healing, many will continue to project and blame looking for partners in their pain and pointing the finger at who they believe is the abuser. You have to do the work. Lift off the gameboard by refusing to allow hesitancy, doubt and fear to anchor you down.

Needing to hold neutrality: Emotions will be fluid and can run the risk of taking over if you are not able to move through them and transcend to see the bigger picture. This year it is important to be a steady rudder. Holding the neutral space as you maintain connection to your inner wisdom is key to observation. This assists you in maintaining your balance. Master the art of being still and learn to really BREATHE. You can not see with clarity when you are not in a neutral space. It is much like trying to see your reflection in a pot of boiling water.  You must settle down to cooler waters to see clearer.  This leads to neutrality. And harmony, then births.

Simplicity: Get back to the basics. This is a continuation of energy from 2022. You will move through changes with greater ease and flow if it is not complicated to do so. Simply everything in your life. The wisdom of your ancestors is seeking to come through. Growing foods, connecting to the earth. Honoring traditions. 

Shadow work:  Get into touch with what was your repeated theme that came up for you in 2022.  It is now time to heal it. We will see increasing demonization of others when differing beliefs and choices are present.  This polarity is the result of shadow. Projection and blame is a sign of pain and an escape mechanism from dealing with wounding; often unconscious. Witness and listen. Your throat chakra is your truth center. Everyone's truths will be coming forward. Can you be in yours and celebrate someone else in theirs? Peace vs. War. This continues but I feel we have tipped the tables to peace. That does not mean that we will not experience an expansion of the current war experiences. Remember that power energies will not go down without a fight.  Stand in your power.

Reset: We have a chance to not repeat our own destruction. There are so many cosmic, astrological, galactic and ascension movements in 2023 that the experience of ALL is possible. Fear vs. trust in yourself will be present in every NOW experience. Self-trust will extinguish the fire of fear. Your intuition and divine wisdom will be your guide as long as you trust yourself. Judgment will kick you off the horse of rising consciousness so watch for where you fall into it. This reset will bring forward more challenges with illness globally. Rise and use your higher vision to see with eyes of wisdom. There are greater things at play.

Societal change and massive advancement of technology: Innovation will require you to use discernment. The explosion of AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be captivating.  Use discernment. Remember that nothing is more real than the radically authentic YOU. DO NOT give your power away to that. Great year for creation and new ideas. Entrepreneurship is supported. It is a multi-direction year in a multi-dimensional existence. Have your eggs in many different baskets and be ready to pivot. Often. The rising power of the people will continue to be seen around the planet. Power structures of business and government will shift. Tower moments are to be expected.  This is a fabulous year of shaking out around issues of equality, social media, climate and personal freedoms. 

Earth Events: Earthquakes, volcanic activity, and intense storms will be seen this year. Our interest and reverence in our ancestral ways and the workings of the elements will increase this year.  Follow the call to learn. Connect deeper with our planet. 

These are some of the themes for this year. Remember, this timeline, at this moment, offers us a peek into potentialities. With every conscious choice, you are creating your world and we are co-creating our collective existence and experiences together. Everything can change in an instant.

Choose love. Choose Peace.

Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. Ego vs. Higher-Self. How many times do you have to repeat the same thing over and over and over until you choose to stop suffering? As many times as your ego/mind needs you to. When you say things like, ”I knew it was going to be this way.” Or “Just like I thought it would be.” you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your words are spells and January will gift you with instant manifestation of that which you are aligned. 

  2. As January is a month of experience, it asks you to be aware through your vision; not just any vision…your HIGHER vision. Gateways to this are being neutral in a harmonious relationship with all, igniting the Divine energy that is YOU to lead the way. And, finding your balance as you navigate the waters. How you experience what you see is directly connected to your frequency. Stay sovereign.

  3. As ALL plays out this month, remembering that YOU are your own guru will assist you. Where are you being called to trust yourself more fully? Start by looking where someone outside of you is telling you that who you are, what you believe, or what you are choosing is wrong. Judgment is rising for us to step through it.