The Force Behind the Shift and The Lens

In June and July of 2020, I wrote two blogs titled “The Force Behind the Shift” and “The Lens”. The times that we are in RIGHT NOW, in November of 2023 are a perfect time to bring these back around the circular dance of time as it is clearer than ever that when I wrote these, it was ALSO being written for these times. For a deeply personal perspective on my navigation through the past month, head back over to the Consciousness Check-in email sent out on 11/1/23. I will have more to say on harmony, unity and peace in the coming months.

So, for now, PLEASE take in these words as upleveled for this moment…


What an amazing time to be alive. YES, I said amazing! We are in the biggest ascension event in the history of humankind. I know, it does not “feel” amazing. Trust me. I get it. As a “collective feeler” of human experience, I have been on my knees sobbing daily for weeks. 


The last month has brought to us the opportunity to go “within” to really look at ourselves; BE with ourselves. We were brought to a collective push to look within. And, it has brought an explosion of awareness for each of us to process.


We are feeling all the “things” and all while navigating through a collective grief experience. 


Lots of stuff coming up for people. BIG STUFF!


I’ve been hearing a theme from many of my clients this month. An awareness has come forward in the connection of the anger and pain being expressed. Many on a spiritual journey are grappling with the question of “Am I doing enough” to support change; specifically social change around systemic racism, inequality, social justice, collective and generational trauma healing and shifting all that comes forward for us to choose a new way. We have been asked to look at why we believe what we believe. We have been asked to really educate ourselves on the history of the Israeli/Palestinian experience.  

What I can say, without hesitation, is that I was unaware of the truth. I now am aware of how we have been misled all along. This is MY truth and understanding. If you have another, please make sure you have learned what you can before you propagate a stand. This is deeper and more insidious than I had any idea. 


We all have a role we play in these events; and it’s based on our calling and alignment. These roles are ALL needed and equal. Collectively they carry the energy of an ascended shift. 

I call it The Force Behind the Shift and it has 4 components:

  1. Funding Force: Souls called here donate money to causes supporting energetic shifts.

  2. Actionable Force: Souls called here donate time and use passionate action, including voicing authentic truth, to bring attention to what is collectively ready to shift.

  3. Creation Force: Souls called here donate time to develop new ways of being that support this shift.

  4. Soul Force: Souls called here listen, love, hold space for enlightenment and transmute energy.

All of these can be expressed in connection to 5th Dimension Consciousness IF compassion for all and the vision held through their lens is honored.  5th dimensional solutions are required for 3rd dimensional problems now. We can not do the same thing, offer the same attempts at change or fight fire with fire anymore. If we do, we simply circle back around and further suffering is experienced.  


So, to all feeling you are not doing enough, I realized that I am part of  Soul Force. In addition, I unite with all those who are in alignment with Funding, Actionable and Creation Force. This is how shifts happen. Together we are better.


What I offer to you is this. Think about how you are called to be during this time. Where do you align in the Force Behind the Shift? What feels expansive to you? That’s your calling! Go. Be that.

You are doing enough.


We are in extraordinary times. November will continue to bring us further into incredible expansion. This will be a month of rising choice that will bring continued opportunity for you to choose how to respond to situations, events and people from a place of compassion versus reacting from a 3rd dimensional space of fear and separation.

Duality has been our experience of the world. We are at a transition/transformation point in time, where we need to cross bridges into grace and unity with one another. We are waking up in waves of consciousness all over the world! 

The rising Divine Feminine is here in all her yummy qualities to reach out to take the hand of the Divine Masculine.  There is confusion and unfamiliarity in the experiences of those carrying primarily Divine Masculine energy at this time.  Those with more masculine are opening up to experiences of compassion, unity, love, grace, forgiveness, equality and understanding in ways they have never before. It is a time to show grace for that experience. Here’s the thing, we all carry within us both the masculine and feminine. These energetic qualities are moving toward balance; toward unity. For millennia, the masculine has “run the show” and we are at a point of consciousness evolution where that is no longer serving us. This means the 3rd dimension structures, supports and systems we have created must break down and shift into a new vision that serves us.  What is playing out and FINALLY being seen in the Israel/Palestine conflict is an example of this. The veil is being lifted and more and more people are becoming aware of the truth.

This breakdown is not easy to witness.

We can choose to release our experience of duality by fully anchoring into the 5th dimension of compassion. This requires us to understand that our truth is our truth and that everything has the right to exist.  Our alignment with what is required for our lessons and gifts to be shown brings forth our set of experiences and how we see the world. Duality has persisted because we have spent all our time arguing for why our vision of the world is correct, why someone else’s is wrong and how their view can/should/must be fixed, changed or influenced through information so they see the “correct” vision. 

If we want duality to continue, we can keep choosing this.We can continue on the beautiful wandering path while cycling back into ourselves, the same lessons over and over again, Or, we can anchor into love. We must release our limiting belief that  “my way up the mountain” is the only way because that is my experience. Our lens is moving into “unity” experience. And, it is not shifting without a fight.

Our lens and filters show us a world based on our opportunities, safety, sense of power and level of trust we were born into, brushed and detailed with our experiences, wounding, past life influences, the way we were raised, our current/limiting beliefs, ect....

What if we finally understood that our vision of the world is simply seen through our filters and lens leading to our truth of experience; AND someone else has a vision of the world as seen through different filters and lenses leading to their truth of experience?

When we continue to cycle in the energy of the past, we give away our co-creative power of birthing something new; a new unified experience. We must give honor and reverence to who we were and where we have been and then celebrate our moving into new expressions. 

Want to step into unity with one another? It’s actually simple. 

1- Let go of the HOPE of a better past;

2- Practice FORGIVENESS; of self and others;

3- When faced with a situation where someone’s vision is different from yours, you simply connect and say, “I see you. I hear you. I BELIEVE you. What do you need from me?” And then you HONOR their response with compassion and understanding that it IS their experience. We don’t get to say that what they need isn’t what they need. That will simply keep us in the loop we are in right now.

TRUTH MOMENT: We don’t lose the truth of our vision just by acknowledging another’s truth. They are both true. In fact, all vision is true. We step further into ascension consciousness when we understand that we can never see through another person's lens and filters but we can honor that it also equally exists WITH yours. Boom. Unity comes forward. Healing is birthed. 

You see, you ARE the Universe and you are part of the Universe. As within, so without. And, so is everyone else. 


When you choose 5th dimensional energy, you have no choice but to choose people and peace over everything else. The question is can you do that? Can you allow 5th dimensional solutions to birth through compassion? It is time to look deeply at ourselves.

Celebrate all vision. Listen. Love. Hold space. 

There is room for us all together.

Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. November is a month of Conscious Choice. And those choices are designed to bring higher-consciousness into EVERYTHING. When you find yourself at a crossroads, ask yourself, “Will this choice elevate love and expand peace?” Watch for where you are moved to your core. That is where “choice” energy will show up. 

  2. Unrest, polarity and breaking the chains that bind will continue to be seen in the outerworld and experienced in our inner world. Will you embrace the shadow self as it emerges? You will be offered the opportunity to witness or participate in crumbling ways of being both personally and as humans collectively. Be aware of where you can stand your ground BUT keeping compassion as your lead. Twists and turns are likely. Your greatest support will be in going within, braving the vulnerability to look in the mirror and giving yourself ample rest time.

  3. We will continue to feel like we are walking between dimensions. Timelines are shifting so fast you won’t even realize it other than this feeling of being overwhelmed and floaty. The Schumann Resonance will continue to show us how we are elevating. Expect ascension symptoms around digestion, vision, emotions, plus many more. We are moving into a new way of being and the old way is dropping away painfully. 

Lisa Almquist