Lisa Almquist

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Evolving: Signs that You Are In A Transformation (Part One)

You are on an evolutionary journey.  Yes, you are or you would not be reading this blog. Life is different. Some differences have come in subtle ways; others came in massive pivots and redirections. This month, I began getting messages to begin talking about what the signs are that you are evolving.  This blog is part one of a series of blogs to come on the subject of transformation. As you reflect on these, grab a journal and use the provided journal prompts to write about what comes up for you. Here we go!

10 Signs That You Are Evolving

  1. You are pulled to spend more time in nature. Perhaps it is the ocean, or maybe the woods, possibly the vastness of a lake or the expansiveness of a mountain. It may also be the wind on your face as you walk a trail or sit under a tree. Whatever it is for you, you are called to spend more time here.  There is a communion that happens when you connect to nature.  A rebalancing of energy. 

    • Journal Prompt: When I am out in nature I feel…

  2. You are experiencing more peaceful connections. There is a lot happening in our individual lives and the collective world. You have experienced differences of opinion that used to keep you separate from others. You are no longer experiencing that. Something has shifted. 

    • Journal Prompt: Things that used to upset me are now experienced as….

  3. You are seeing things from a new perspective. You ask yourself…”Why am I feeling this way all of a sudden?” You are noticing that you have emotional responses to people and events differently because you for some reason see it from a new space.

    • Journal Prompt: I used to feel like__________, now I feel like this_______. Why?

  4. You are becoming clearer about who you are. Your true self is coming forward; which of course is based in love. Perhaps you are getting clearer but seeing that you are no longer who you were? You are questioning what you do. You are noticing that you have clarity around things that are in alignment for you and that you value.

    • Journal Prompt: When I connect to who I am becoming, what comes up for me is…

  5. You are more intuitive. You are having more experiences where you just know things.  Your gut feelings are kicking in.  Your ability to “see, sense, feel and know” in a non physical way is coming on-line.

    • Journal Prompt: What I am feeling at this moment leads me to know…

  6. You are experiencing shifts in your relationships. As you have been stepping more into yourself, you are changing.  As a result, your relationships are shifting. As you evolve, your connection to others must evolve as well.  You are lifting in your vibration and in order to maintain that vibration, those around you will be given the opportunity to evolve or to fall away.  No change in relationships must end permanently, but oftentimes a shift apart happens before evolution in the relationship can take place.

    • Journal Prompt: My relationship with _______________ is changing and I feel…

  7. You are seeing that there is more than meets the eye. Things that are happening in your life and in the world are meeting you with a new level of “something more is happening here”. You may not know what it is but you “feel” like what you are being told is NOT truth.  Go with your feeling.

    • Journal Prompt: There is something more happening with ______________; it feels like…

  8. You are manifesting instantly. As you step into alignment with your authentic self and allow your soul to begin to lead, you begin to carry a frequency that starts an integration of belief and gratitude that you have all that you need.  When that frequency shifts into embodiment, you unlock a magical connection to instantly manifest. You manifest from alignment and what is waiting for you is already there. You are now coming “online” to receive it.  When this happens it feels like it just drops into your lap; and in a sense, it does.

    • Journal Prompt: Something I instantly manifested was…

  9. You are standing even more firmly in your sovereignty. You are stepping up and really knowing who you are and what you value. And with that, you are very clear that no one gets to tell you who to be or how to feel. You are responsible for yourself. With this awareness, you also get that others are in the same boat.

    • Journal Prompt: I am a sovereign being in my choice to…

  10. Your emotions are leading your decisions. You are noticing that things just FEEL like a yes or a no. Sometimes a decision you make doesn’t make sense to you in a “rational” sense but you “know” it to be an expansive choice for you. In the reverse, you are also clear when a no answer doesn’t make “rational” sense but it is just how you feel.

    • Journal Prompt: A time when I allowed my emotions to show me the way, I…

You ARE evolving. And as such, it is a process.  Your rising frequency and the lifting of collective consciousness is an ever refining journey.  This is just the beginning.

Stay tuned…

Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. You will continue to shift from within as you examine your beliefs and ideals and this is supported by the uncovering energy of Mercury Retrograde which begins 5/10 and remains all month. Uncover, let go, and step out of victim consciousness. During the pre-phase of Mercury retrograde, we were encouraged to take notice of the recurring themes and people who were coming to our minds. These areas are what is coming up for healing for you during this time. Get ready to bring the dream you had for your life that wasn’t quite realized back into a go phase. You were not ready before but you ARE now!

  2. A black moon carries x100 power of a normal new moon so get ready to slingshot into a new experience in these areas. During the two-week window until the Full Moon total lunar eclipse (Blood Moon) on 5/16, walk your talk and you'll see signs and synchronicities to show you that your path is in front of you.  Things will become clearer slowly and you’ll have the opportunity to refocus each time you get clearer.  Trust your inner guidance. Rebalance, be radically authentic and integrate your new way of being that has come on-line since 5/1. What you focus on will expand even more powerfully than normal in this eclipse energy.  Choose what you are creating! Be ready to shift old energies quickly as the Blood Moon (moon turns orange) comes into power. 5/16 is a POWER ascension day for us. You will experience an intensity rising from within you and are offered the opportunity to let go of limiting beliefs and programs that hold you dogmatically. In this “dark period” great change is upon us. The post-eclipse season takes us through the end of the month and is filled with support to move forward in a new, more empowered way.  Anchor the changes experienced during this eclipse season and get to work. Self-sabotage can sneak in here.  Look for places where you move backward and actively choose with consciousness.

  3. Angelic support is everywhere and we continue to be activated with massive amounts of crystalline and golden light. We are beginning to take on angelic frequencies as we touch into higher and higher levels of consciousness. Watch for signs from the angelic realm as you navigate in your new way of being.  They have never been more excited to assist you and are celebrating you.  We have arrived at a new plateau. Rest for a minute.  Catch your breath, but it’s all-new from here.  Get ready to GO, GO, GO. Remember to keep facing north and that you are safe.