Lisa Almquist

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Embracing Resistance

We have all had experience with resistance. Have you really looked at what it is?

We all know what it feels like.  It’s that moment when your mind goes, “oh, no-no-no-no-no” to something.  It can be anything; a statement someone makes; a request to do something; an opportunity to up-level in some way.

Resistance is a function of our ego — it helps us feel safe. When resistance hits and your higher-self is asking you to let go of something, guess what happens? Your EGO FREAKS OUT. Resistance is nothing more than fear; fear of change, success, safety, or the “big one” feeling our emotions.

We resist when we don’t feel ready to move into a new way of being with another person or situation. Seeing it is the first step. So, look at what you are resisting.

Take some time and really look at it; write it out, journal about it. On a collective level on our planet we are expressing many places where we are in resistance. Just look at what is in front of us. Resistance leads to awareness of our internal and/or collective request to expand. When we get stuck in resistance, we get what we are seeing play out right now. INTENSE POLARITY. Judgement, anger and rage are unresolved pain points and stories that are coming up for all of us to examine. When we don’t want to look….we resist. Yup.

That which you resist...persists.

Some master said that. I can’t remember who; probably many.  The point is, he/she was right.  When we resist, we stop our vibration from lifting. Our vibration wants to naturally expand and connect.  It wants to flow. The flow is impeded when we resist. Do you realize that when you resist something, you are actually fighting to keep your limitations. Think about that.

What are you resisting?

Are you afraid of looking within?

Are you afraid of feeling something?

Are you afraid of what other people will think of you?

Resistance is fear of being the true self. Bring hand to heart. Remind yourself that you are conscious. Then forgive yourself. We can’t allow change until we know something is there for us to look at. When you know better, you do better...for yourself and for ALL.

So, how do you even really know you are in resistance? Here is a place to start.

Six signs you are in resistance:  

  1. You ignore how you feel and distract yourself so you don’t have to look at it.

  2. You change who you are to appease another.

  3. You need to compete with another.

  4. You argue for why you are right.

  5. You see obstacles as stop signs.

  6. You deny something right in front of you because of fear of what will result if you acknowledge it.

How do we navigate through resistance? There is actually a process with this. 

Stepping out of resistance births in stages:

Stage 1 - You don’t see it. You have not woken up to the knowledge that there is something within that is trying to heal. 

Stage 2 - There may be a part of you that starts to see that something is off.  You begin to realize that you are active in one or more of the 6 areas stated above and/or you are repeating situations and events that are unpleasant. You begin to see that you might need to change something. Perhaps it is a relationship or a job? It is poking at you but you try to ignore it because you don’t know how this will affect you. “If I look at this, will my relationship change?” “If I look at this, I may not be able to stomach who I work for or what I do.”

Stage 3 - You see it clearly.  You are able to feel it so deeply that you know that what you have been resisting must become your new experience of self. It literally becomes impossible for you to stay in the previous experience of yourself. When you are able to see what you are resisting, you have the ability to feel and shift it.

When you learn to embrace what you are resisting, you begin shifting into flow.

Ok. So now you know what resistance looks like and what your life looks like when you are in the stages of stepping out of resistance.  All good, right? Now, how do you get out of the resistance and into flow and what the heck IS flow anyway?

Six steps to release resistance and step into flow:

  1. See what you are resisting and EMBRACE it. When we resist something, it is an aspect of ourselves that we have not loved fully. For example, when we resist acknowledging that we are wrong about something, we are in fear around not being “good enough” or not being “loved enough” or perhaps another mistruth. We must embrace it.  We must look deeply into why we are in that fear experience. When you heal this mistruth, you drop the resistance to acknowledging you are wrong.  See how this works? Remember that resistance is showing up in your life because you are shifting in your level of consciousness. You are capable of feeling it and releasing it.  

  2. Be in relationship with giving and receiving. When you give and receive with grace, you send signals to the Universe that you are in the energy of balance.  Resistance to anything has a hard time staying anchored when you are in balance. As you live in the dance of the “flow” of giving and receiving and receiving and giving, the areas where you may have resistance will show and you can maneuver through them.

  3. Look at where you are suffering in your life.  Look at where you are holding onto an experience that isn’t serving you anymore.

  4. Call in your guides, angels, archangels and ascended masters to assist you to see your resistance and move into flow. 

  5. Use tools that help you connect to further clarity; journaling and meditation are two examples.  

  6. Simply choose to release the suffering through what you are resisting. See it as a sandbag attached to a rope tied to your waist.  This sandbag holds you down from lifting into higher states of consciousness.  Visualize dropping/cutting/untying the rope.  Drop the sandbag. Feel into your heart and connect to what it feels like to move forward without the weight of this resistance. Give gratitude.

These steps bring you into flow. 

So, what is flow? Flow is the experience of life from trust, surrender, unconditional love and the unified presence of mind-body-emotion-soul. This experience of life offers peace, birthed through the recognition that you are, and everyone is, expressing and interacting from a specific level of consciousness. You can fully see how you or another person may be in resistance and embrace it compassionately within yourself or see from a transcended space where compassion is needed for another. There are signs that show you that you are living your life in the flow. 

Six signs you are in the flow:

  1. You manifest instantly.

  2. You see yourself in relationship with others.

  3. You celebrate someone in their wholeness.

  4. You celebrate differences in opinions and ways of being.

  5. You have no need to be “right”.

  6. You are intensely grateful.

Increasing your stability in the flow is important to maintaining a vibration that manifests what you truly desire. One way is to develop and utilize a Sacred Water Ritual. Honoring and giving gratitude to the water you consume or connect with raises your vibration. 

Each time you are connecting with water, use this quick process to give thanks and create the intention that all beings around the world have access to pure water.

Some examples of when you might use this include:

  1. When drinking water

  2. When showering/bathing

  3. When swimming

  4. When walking on waters edge

Sacred Water Ritual

  1. Align your intention with purity

  2. Bless the water you are connecting to with your own statement of gratitude and abundance.  

Example might be, “I offer gratitude for this water.  I see and value the life force it carries for me and for all. Nourish me; body, mind, emotion and soul. As within me, so it is outside of me. May all beings have the blessing of water.”

Look to where you feel called to assist yourself, family, community and world with water blessing and access.

In conclusion, you will experience a life of greater peace, love and joy when you look into where you are suffering through resistance. Choose a NEW way and shift into flow.  You will be amazed at the miraculous manifestation of all that you REALLY want by being in the truth of who you REALLY are.

I love you.