3 Part Masterclass Series
that explores the friction we feel in interactions with our partners, people around us, and people everywhere so that we can lift beyond the triggers into an experience of personal joy.
(AKA- the inner work that helps you stop losing your shit ;)
Discover how to transcend triggers and start experiencing greater
personal joy no matter what is going on around you.
There is nothing wrong with feeling triggered.
We live in a world that offers abundant opportunities to be triggered!
It just becomes an issue when our triggers keep us in a constant state of reaction, resistance and drama. But the cool thing is there is a way out of the insanity! A trigger moment can become an opportunity for greater personal choice and power. And joy!
Would you like to find out how to use your triggers to cultivate greater compassion for yourself and others? And how to use them to experience more of what you desire? Well, here it is!
Kaela Gedda; Rise Leadership Circle and I brought this masterclass series forward in January and for those who missed it or the timing wasn’t right, I am now bringing the recordings to you!
NOTE: These sessions were an introduction to a portion of a deeper immersion called Relationship Harmony that was offered in February of 2022. I have NOT edited the information about that out of these. If you have questions about that or are interested in what it was about, send me an email!
Session 1 - Clarity
On Day 1 we lay it all on the table.
Look at triggers.
Explore why this work is so important.
Discover how to cultivate the bandwidth to stop bypassing the triggers and instead face them.
Session 2 - Choice
On Day 2 we explore your choice to lift.
Difference between “getting over a trigger” vs. transcending all triggers
Bandaid vs. Breakthrough
Projection vs. Personal Power
Session 3 - Celebrate
On Day 3 we dive into what celebration is coming forward.
Where we go from here
How to create transcendence as the empowered, easy choice
“Just wanted to pop in and tell you how appreciative I am of you! I still remember our phone calls when I was skeptical about spending money to better myself. There's been a million moments since this new year started that I'm patting myself on the back for taking that leap. You have been and are one of the most influential people who've helped me come out of my cocoon! So many small tid bits I've been able to take from those classes and use in life, and hell there has been multiple times where I'm referencing you or your classes. I had no clue what I would get from joining that one workshop I did but it's repaid me more than financially in copious amounts of ways, I did not even think it could or would! So I just wanted to thank you for your help and your words and your wisdom because I truly believe if I did not take that first leap of faith I would not be as transformed as I feel today!! I stuck little notes in a jar from our conversations and about how scared I was to spend that money and it just makes me incredibly happy to see and feel it all worked out and it's opened my eyes and doors to so many new learning experiences. You are such a light to my life Lisa!!”
- Transcending Triggers Client Testimonial
Say yes to you and discover how to transcend your triggers and
start experiencing greater personal joy throughout your life!
Please note: if you are a member of the Awakening Spirit Membership you already have access to the Transcending Triggers Masterclass Series.
Feel free to search “Transcending Triggers” in the search bar within the membership to complete the Masterclass Series.