I am celebrating you on your continued journey!


Your life is your spiritual path

We have journeyed together before, allowing you to explore, acknowledge and build the spiritual toolbox that supports you throughout your healing and spiritual journey. The Soul Flow Package is designed to help you maintain your spiritual journey. This package understands that you have the pre-requisite skills to navigate along your journey and that you are aligned with receiving check-in and accountability sessions to ensure you are staying on track and a yes to receiving further support and guidance as needed.


Are you considering increasing your aligned spiritual support?


This is all about learning to trust and tap into your toolkit for support

By working together prior, you understand the commitment level in working together as well as the commitment you deserve from me to support you on your journey. You have a thorough understanding of what you need at various points, energies, and experiences along your path, which allows you to step up and support yourself in a graceful way. I am here to ensure you stay on your path while honoring where you are and offering guidance as needed.


Soul Flow


  • One Zoom or phone session per month [your choice]

  • One remote healing/energy balancing session per month

  • Emergency support through text or Voxer, access to all the resources, tools, exercises, meditations, and channeled guidance to help shift your current experience 

  • Get Your Soul Energy On Facebook Community  

  • BONUS: Awakening Spirit Membership and Community

Investment of $333/month


The Awakening Spirit Membership & Community BONUS

The Awakening Spirit Membership and Community is a BONUS to the Soul Flow Package, valued at $55/month, and offers a top-notch membership that brings you all the tools and resources to expand your awareness of self, open into new possibilities and dig into what might be holding you back from the life you wish to experience.

When joining the Soul Flow Package your current Awakening Spirit Membership investment will be dropped as it is included in the cost of the package.

As your Personal Consciousness Guide, I am honored to continue to guide you through one on one personal sessions. This is all about learning to trust and tap into your toolkit for support.

Join me as you continue to navigate your soulful path to living in the light; experiencing greater peace, clarity, joy, and celebration in living the loving life you desire.


The Soulfully Flowing Being taps into their soul guidance and navigates from an aligned space.

Continue on your path of connection to self and tapping into your toolkit!