The Alchemy of Manifesting Abundance


Abundance is defined as a very large quantity of something.

Most of us, when we hear the word abundance, immediately go to money. There are an infinite number of areas where abundance holds potential.  A few examples of them are money, time, joy, opportunities, peace, love, success, courage….the list is endless. 

Let’s take some time to identify the areas of your life in which you wish to create an experience of abundance. Yes, right now.  Stop reading. Grab a notebook and a pen.  List them out.  Whatcha got?

Ok, so now that you have thought about where abundance alchemy is wanting to burst through, let take a look at exactly how we do that.


Here are 7 steps to work through to alchemize abundance of ANYTHING.


Get a clear vision of what it is that you choose to experience abundantly.

This seems like a no-brainer, but it can be tricky. The Law-of Attraction is quite literal.  What are some of the things on your list? If you want abundance of peace, for example, the Universe will simply give you experiences where you can again experience the “wanting” of peace; which of course is experienced as situations that are not peaceful.

Now, simply changing your mindset, alignment and projection to “choosing” to experience peace no matter what outside circumstances are being experienced will manifest what you are truly wanting. This clarity makes all the difference in the world. This way, the Universe, in its literal gifting, provides experiences where you have chosen peace.  See the difference? This is why you need clarity. 

So, now let’s go back to your list and revisit how you identified what areas of abundance you are wishing to create/experience. Re-write any thoughts that need the reframe in what you are creating.

Turn negativity into positivity.

When you find that there is something you are experiencing negatively, take an actionable step in addressing it. Negative experiences that remain passive, connect into poverty consciousness. 

It tells you that there is an element of lack in your experience of the world.  So, do something or say something to address this issue; always from a place of love and understanding that all experiences have the right to exist.

This changes the energy into creation of positive and leads toward gratitude. Gratitude is the ultimate manifestor.

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Be vulnerable.

Yup, there’s that “v” word again.  You have to get vulnerable to really get clear on what stuff might be there throwing blocks at your attempts to create abundance. 

Don’t be afraid to admit to yourself where you have an area to look at.  For example, if you are wanting an abundance of money but are currently worried about being laid off from your job, then fear is going to cloud your clarity here. You want your focus on creating monetary abundance not on creating situations of fear of lack. It is also important to watch the sneaky belief that somehow having more of what you are trying to create will make you better than someone else. This will stop your manifestation in its tracks.

It is important to work on releasing the blocks that you stumble onto here. Sometimes it is as easy as recognizing it and truly shifting your perspective. 

Other times, you may need some assistance from different healing/releasing methods like energy healing or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Watch for anchoring of fatalistic thinking.

Thoughts and feelings around hopelessness, helplessness, or there not being enough of whatever it is you are wanting to manifest to go around will create exactly those things and you won’t dance in the abundance you REALLY want.


Be open.

If you find yourself in a place of contraction energy, where you feel that nothing will ever change for you, recognize the feeling and choose actions that say to the Universe that you are open to new experiences.

Open your energy up to positive shifts and light by setting aside time each day for meditation, use of mantras, and enjoying peace and quiet. The hustle and grind of your life can run against what you are trying to create. 

This is a time to work smarter through being open. 

Be accountable and take full responsibility.

You absolutely will create when you are in victim energy, but it will not be what you are truly wanting to experience.

Taking responsibility for where you are not experiencing something the way you want to be, gives you ALL THE POWER TO CHANGE IT. 

When you blame someone outside of yourself or a circumstance, you give the power to influence that change to outside sources. 

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Create your vision.

See yourself experiencing the creation of your abundance.

What do you feel like?

Who are you with?

What are you doing?

See it. Feel it.  Taste it.

Do you feel fulfilled? Yes? Then using the above guidance will get you there!


If you are feeling aligned to connect to more support — check out the Awakening Spirit Membership!