Sometimes Feeling Stuck Isn’t A Block

I’ve been in this place where I almost feel like a human example of that little spinning circle on your computer screen that shows up when it is processing and won’t let you move to the next thing. I’m sure it is an experience influenced by the 8 planets that are in retrograde in addition to the back and forth, shifting energy we have been in including a powerful shift from Leo into Virgo season.  It’s almost like a reboot or reset is coming.

I used to judge this place that I am in right now. I used to think that this feeling of being “stuck” meant that I was blocking something or had an unconscious block that was running my show. Now, don’t get me wrong, sometimes it completely is that. But, there are times when feeling stuck isn’t a block.  I feel like this is one of those times.

I have hundreds of blog topics that I could choose to share with you and each month I patiently wait until the right one shows up and then my fingers start typing. This month…I waited…and waited…and waited. Nothing came forward. Nada.  I tried to force it and my higher-self was like, ”Lisa. Who are you kidding.What’s the message in this for you?”

Ok. Message heard. I was not in a block. I was meant to talk ABOUT this topic through my experience of it. Well, ok!

Sometimes not moving forward has a forward moving purpose.  Read that again. It is important. When we are feeling stuck, there is a message. So, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What information is waiting to come forward? If nothing comes to you, patience and trust is being asked of you.

  2. When you are waiting, how do you feel? Dig into that. There is buried treasure in that dig.

I have learned that this feeling of being stuck is a call to PRESENCE.  When I focus only on what is right in front of me in this moment of now and fully embrace trust and patience, movement begins in time. There is always a Divine order to things and our ego/mind will push us to believe that it knows the answers. Being “stuck” will offer the opportunity for your ego/mind to surrender to what your higher-self is trying to bring forward. We must relinquish our need to control for that to happen.

This is one of the beautiful gifts that retrogrades offer to us; a time to sort of spin in one spot so that we reflect, gain clarity and surrender to what God/Source/Higher-self has for us next.

You’ll find if you relax into trust, patience and finally surrender, your next steps will show themselves. The key is to step into presence.

Celebrating being “stuck” today. It brought this blog to you. 🙂

Much love.

Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. Mercury retrograde and the other planetary bodies in retrograde (Pluto, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and Chiron ((Jupiter will join and Venus will release in here too))) will offer ranging opportunities to release things that you now see with greater clarity and understand from a higher perspective. Mercury retrograde completes on the 14th but its shadow still reigns until 9/29. All these retrogrades are pushing you to really get to know yourself in your wholeness. Go inward and use your intuition to make decisions.

  2. The Equinox arrives on 9/23/23 and with this brings a momentary balance of light and dark leading us into change of season. This energy ushers in change. Opportunities to reflect and step into new experiences will be seen. Own your power when agency is at the forefront. The seeds of unity are beginning to be thrown into the collective.  It will take a while for them to truly be sewn and begin to sprout.

  3. In this month of awareness, we are being called to be even more present as our mastery selves. Virgo season is here so get ready to ground, stabilize and see through all the b.s. Watch out for victim consciousness to brighten its flare. It is not your job to rescue anyone. All of your inner guidance and divine wisdom will be coming online more powerfully than ever and will ask you to see everything that is happening in our world with greater presence. The entire month will ask to see with higher vision and develop greater awareness.

Lisa Almquist