What is Avesa™?


We are in a time of great awakening on our planet. During times like these, we are gifted incredible angelic support. Avesa is one of those gifts. 

“Avesa™ is an ancient mystical modality of spiritual empowerment that calls forth your most abundant life and reveals wisdom and clarity that defies the mind.” 1

This experience on our planet is a gift of opportunity to remember who we are. It is time to reclaim our birthright of worthiness, peace, love and joy. Avesa™ allows us to navigate through these extraordinary times with greater ease and joy!

“Avesa Quantum Healing™ expands the cutting edge of spiritual healing. It opens an inter-dimensional portal where energy and intention flow FAR more powerfully than in the physical dimension. It opens one to receive the revealed mysteries that appear when one “Surrenders what Surrender looks like.”1

“The decline in pharmaceutical effectiveness….radical new illnesses….the return of the plague…the search for Divine Consciousness…make Avesa™ Energy and Avesa Quantum Healing™ much more than a just a wondrous gift from the Divine. Avesa™ is a mystical and tangible solution to the increasingly critical needs of our times.

So, what exactly IS Avesa™?

First, here is some background:

Avesa™ energies have come forward to us through an energetic lineage of wondrous beings. These energies were kept very secretive prior to 2000 because the vibration level on the planet was not ready to receive them. Prior to 2000, the last time Avesa™ energies were available on this planet was during the late 1800’s when they were used by sages or gurus living in the Himalayas and by others in Tibet.

Through the love and dedication of lineage bearers, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa, everyone can now receive the grace, blessings, and archangelic energies of AVESA™.” 1

“In the early part of the first millennium BC, the inspired seers, or Rishis, analyzed their awareness of human experience and concluded:

  • There is an infinite, changeless reality beneath the world of change.

  • This same reality lies at the core of every human personality.

  • The purpose of life is to experience this reality—to fully realize and embody the Divine while here on Earth living a blissful and productive life.

Avesa Quantum Healing™ embodies the fullness of these three absolutes, fully awakening the Divine within—you remember, claim, and fully exist as the Universal Divine.

The word Avesa™ literally translates as “Hail to the Impersonal Infinity: The Return of Your Divine Empowerment.”2

“The powerful gift of Avesa™ energies is available to anyone through a beautiful, magical, life-transforming attunement process. Through Avesa™ you experientially embrace your Truth of simultaneously being body, mind, heart, soul, and MORE!” 2

“Avesa Quantum Healing™ is a gift from the Crystalline Dimensions that offers alignment with one’s authentic soul energy thus enhancing harmony and balance in all aspects of life.

Avesa™ will assist you to:

  1. Fully activate and expand your Conscious Connection to Divine Guidance

  2. Receive and use mystical Archangelic yogic techniques

  3. Enter Multi-Dimensional Realms where you will fully align with your Soul Path

  4. Call forth your Quantum Visioning and your ability to decipher what you see

  5. Clear away mental chatter so you can Discern True Guidance from egoic messages”1

In simplest terms, Avesa™  is a powerful Quantum Healing Energy that lifts your vibration into connection with Universal love and infinite wisdom of the Divine. It brings forward balance of energy centers and lifts you into higher dimensional expression within each of them. It is an energy healing experience that is unlike other energetic healing experiences.  

“Avesa is the ancient art of Pure Angelic In-Soulment, to Fully Awaken the Divine Within: Re-member, claim, and fully exist AS the Universal Divine!

Pure Angelic In-soulment offers your eyes the opportunity to clearly see. It is the cosmic connection that fully aligns with the Divine energy seeking expression through you.

  • “Ave” means “Hail to the Divine”.

  •  “Sa” is the expression of “Infinite Consciousness”—the limitless love of the Divine.

  • Together, Ave plus Sa means Hail to the Impersonal Infinity, the return of your Divine empowerment.

“Avesa Quantum Healing™ is holistic, fully integrative, and can be used with both alternative and traditional modalities. It is complementary alternative medicine at its finest—quickly and powerfully providing greater physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual synergistic connection.

It is now commonly accepted and recognized that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected; consciousness is not limited by the physical or the subtle bodies; and our galactic environment influences our DNA. Avesa Quantum Healing™ aligns with the client across the full spectrum of their multidimensional beingness.

Moving beyond the physical opens the door to getting at and resolving the cause, versus simply living the effect.

Avesa Quantum Healing™ creates a sacred space in which your own Creative Energy is accelerated so you can experience and enhance the amazing wonder of your own unique Expression of Energy as a conscious, co-creative, human being. Said another way, you use creative energy to replace stagnant energies that no longer serve you. Limited thought patterns, conditionings, “unconscious choices”, and habitual behaviors are brought into light so they can be examined and released, creating space for consciously created, life-enhancing choices. Thus, you can easily feel, connect with, and use the incredible vibratory, pulsating, multidimensional nature of your entire being to achieve happiness and success.” 1

The Avesa Quantum Healing™ experience is truly unlike any other. We are SO loved by the Divine that we have been gifted everything that we will ever need to re-member WHO we really are.


Want to experience this for yourself?

Content Credit

1 - https://sriandkira.com/avesa-3/

2 - Avesaquantumhealing.com/what-is-avesa/

Through the love and dedication of lineage bearers, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa, everyone can now receive the grace, blessings, and archangelic energies of AVESA. AVESA is a ™ [trademark] of Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa. sriandkira.com