Lisa Almquist

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2022 - Ignite Your Manifestical Vision

This year of awareness will bring us major transformation in everything expressed in our sacred union of mind-body-emotion-spirit. Love and the Divine Feminine are here to assist our heart chakras to open further and wider into the ascended position. We have a choice. Love energy brought forward through the 6 is dancing through unified presence and birthed through neutrality leading to a harmonious experience of oneness and expanded LOVE. Simultaneously, ongoing experiences of density consciousness expressed through fear, powerlessness and old ways will be seen. Your awakened intuitive vision will allow you to literally dream your life into being and reclaim your harmony through love, presence and sovereignty.  We are in a whole new game now. It is a magical and mystical time filled with alchemy.  What will you create? 

The Manifestical Vision ignites when the light, activated within you and balanced with intentional and conscious awareness lifts in the swirling support of diamond light activation and crystalline DNA activation within your body. This within the container of your Ignited Merkaba carrying your light - spirit- body.  Cosmic activations and support will remind you and amplify your mastery presence. You are a master.  

2022 will be experienced as massive rebirth and release every month as the moon cycles.  We have moved from high school to college in our rapid opportunity to learn, integrate and embody new experiences of self.  We will move with greater ease when we anchor in our ascended presence and move fully into neutrality. Get ready to amplify and lift in ways that you have never imagined.  This is the time to let go of needing to understand why or how something is taking place.  Surrendering into the present moment is key. 

Our connection to our Gaia is sensed stronger than ever. There is a oneness and a collective living that we notice. We are one with her and we start to recognize this.  Many of us already have but many more are coming into this awareness. The Gaian thread to the cosmos ignites greater cosmic support. We are ascending to finding harmony within ourselves and the world we live in. Ancient wisdom is available if you can receive it.  Begin to look at your body of form and what you feed it. Live foods, filtered crystal love charged water will serve you best. Your physical body needs to match the amplified light body that is coming in.

Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. January bridges us from 2021 into 2022 but this year it is more of a merging; bringing you into your multidimensional presence. This, and the super new moon on 1/2 brings forward massive personal transformation and a reset of old cycles. It focuses on the value of self and self-worth and carries heart expansion opportunities. 

  2. The balance (4) energy of this month of  experience  will show us the rising voice of the Divine Feminine from the neutral space that brings harmony. Continue to rise up and stand in your authentic truth and speak from a place of compassion and non-judgement. With Mercury moving into retrograde on 1/14, communication and how we use our feminine energy voices to express truth with require us to be specific in our alignment and voice.

  3. A unified presence is growing and will bring balance to division.  There will be ongoing big moments including Earth events. You will continue to be called to choose what energy you are feeding; ascended or densified. Be present. We are expanding rapidly and it is being fueled by the challenges playing out and out collective response to them. Strong foundations have a chance to build toward the end of the month and will be topped off with celebratory completion of an 18 month relationship overhaul when Venus moves direct on 1/29.

I will be connecting live within the Awakening Spirit Membership throughout January on the topics above. If you would like to join me learn more!