Lisa Almquist

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YOU Are the Light

You. What does it feel like when you connect with yourself? Most of us spend the majority of our lives connecting to others to identify who we are. I.E. ``I am a wife” requires connection to your husband; “I am a mother”, requires connection to your child; “I am a staff”, requires connection to boss/job….ect… The person that we spend the most time NOT connecting to is OURSELVES. When we are ready to let go of the programming that we are identified by our connection to something outside of ourself, most of us begin traveling down a road of self-exploration and search of identity. Then, through soulful work, healing and lifting in consciousness we discover the doorway that opens into the infinite rediscovery process that continually redefines who we are over and over and over and over. 

Then comes the day when you are SURE you have found the truth of who you are. 

That is actually when it all begins. When you are in a space of certainty of your vibration, alignment and authenticity, you will refine even more. This is where many of us are finding ourselves right now. When this happens, we are being faced with many truths and realizations about situations, organizations and people that absolutely are not in alignment with who we now are; even though they used to be. Then you find yourself face-to-face with yourself. You know, the person in which we spend the least amount of time in a stand-alone understanding. You are asked to choose something that you never imagined.

What is it like to have to choose something that you don’t WANT to choose? I just went through this. I had a situation in my life where I really wanted to say yes to going somewhere. 

In my body, I was a hell no.

“What have you become aware of that was hidden?” This was the question that came forward. My alignment with this had changed. HUGE change and I was now aware of some things that left me feeling like, from the line from the movie 27 Dresses, “I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.” This new realization left me lost, saddened and grieving for a bit. This was my new up-level. “Time to shift and let go,” was the clear response.

So how do you check in with yourself for your alignment? Dropping into your body in a full soul embodiment will give you access to your expanded yes and/or contracting no. This is what you are looking for.  Not what you “think” but instead, what you “feel”. 

You must know what your embodied life alignment is. Then, say no to everything that is not building that road.  Here’s the thing, you are going through an energetic up-level on this planet that is showing you the road you have been on, and the people/experiences and choices that have been building that road along with you, are beginning to no longer align. They have served you beautifully in the YOU that you were but the YOU that you are becoming is aligned somewhere else. How does that present itself to you? Well, when you are connecting with a choice on something in which you have always been an aligned, expanded yes and all of a sudden, you are like, ”Whoa. Wait. I WANT to be a yes but something feels off.” That is your first clue.

So what happens when a consistent, historical yes becomes a no in your body? Your ego freaks out. You start having the dialog of, ”I’ve always been a yes. Of course I am a yes. There is something wrong with me that I would feel that.” Yada. Yada. Yada. Remember the mind/ego likes consistency. It likes predictability. So when you make choices and take action that does not fall into that, you feel UNCOMFORTABLE

Welcome to growth.

Preparing to step into who you are will throw you into grief. Yup. Grief. You are no longer the same. You are no longer available in the relationships that are changing the same way you used to be. The BIG awarenesses will knock you off your rocker a bit. Interestingly, THOSE are the ones that, in the moment, are holding you back.  When you become aware of it, you actually propel forward because you cut the ties with what has been holding you in the space of a past version of you. It does not fully release you from the vibration of it, however.  THAT is where the grief process comes in. This is not where I talk about grief. It is however, important to recognize it when you all of a sudden are experiencing a situation where you must choose to release from something or someone in order to step up into who you are becoming.   

What to do:

  1. Offer yourself compassion

  2. Trust your body wisdom - a no is no

  3. Look for what this realization is gifting to you - how has the relationship or interaction been holding you back?

  4. Choose YOU 

  5. Allow the dance through the cycles of grief to play out: shock/denial, pain/guilt, anger/bargaining, depression and reflection, learning a new way of being, working through it, acceptance.

You are navigating a process that is working to show you that YOU are the light that is needed in the world.  Your unique vibration and energy signature is being called forward and like a sponge, this Universe will soak you up. 

Now, go. Light it up!


  1. Are you perpetuating a narrative that strengthens the desire to go back to the way things were? Watch where false prophets are feeding fear and keeping us locked into an old way of being instead of creating through new vision that allows all to live the lives they choose. This is very dangerous. Where we are headed on this planet is NOT where we have been and the more we are manipulated, and mind controlled into believing that we must get back to the way it was, the more we feed that timeline.  That timeline will implode.  Do you want to be there? Notice when you are being told it is someone else's fault for what we are experiencing as a collective right now. Witness where this energy is being shared.  Ask yourself why?  That is your key.  See through this. Higher consciousness is trying to lead and awareness that where we are going is created in a higher level of consciousness means that going backward is not the answer. New ways are available in 5th dimension, not in our past 3rd dimensional matrix. NOTHING from how we have lived in 3D will continue.  It requires solutions to our problems be sought in a higher level of consciousness than where they were created. If you feed the timeline of fear by sharing stories and narratives designed to get people to not choose their sovereign self, you are actually perpetuating that fear and that is not where we are headed. This is a tricky energy.  Choose for yourself.  November is a choice month.  Be your own aligned voice and own it.  You may need to look at releasing people who you have trusted if they are moving in this way. It is all a gift.  Bless them. The way to create solutions is to surrender and go within.  Access the guidance that is waiting.

  2. We are continuing to navigate between timelines.  In many ways you are testing them out through your choices.  So, that being said, choose with consciousness and you will land in the timeline of your highest expression.  Many are feeling stuck, unclear or confused in this experience as things continue to shake up and break down.  If you are feeling this, relax. Breathe. This “stuckness” timeline is not permanent.  It is meant to bring you to further choices.  You WILL choose a more stable experience. Neptune releases its retrograde on 11/1/21 so this will assist you in moving forward in this area. 

  3. We have come out of a very stormy October. A lot of energy was built up in experiences to provide fodder for moving forward. We are still in it. Additional cosmic influences continue to play out including meteor showers and another eclipse season begins on 11/18/21 with a partial lunar eclipse.  This will be visible in North America. This will bring you a further evolution of your consciousness and culmination of emotional cycles that have run their course. What has completed and is being asked to release? What are you being called into action around? What is your heart telling you? Big change is here for you.  The time is now to step up, learn why you are in fear, love it into wholeness and EXPRESS your new beingness. There is alchemy at play. When you take action on your vision you open portals that are available for you to instantly manifest! Incredible things are birthing in your life.  Do you see them through the fear of the unknown? Let go of what has been; in every way.  Profound blessings are here for you. YOU awaken them as you bless everything in your life; yourself, your loved one, your water, your food, your home, your community, your connection with everything. See the holy springs that are all around you.