Lisa Almquist

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You Are a Sovereign Being

This is intended to make you think.  It is intended to get you to look at where you are at in your life and thus the collective human experience. This is also just going to SCRATCH the surface on these areas.  

What is sovereignty?

It is defined as supreme power or authority or a state of self governing.

So, why am I writing about sovereignty here?

It is simple.  It is the single most important energy that is determining our consciousness as a human collective.

Why is sovereignty an area I am addressing now?

That is also simple.  It is the thing that is and has been under attack both overtly and covertly for longer than most people realize and is NOW at the tipping point. We have all been willing players in this game of 3rd dimension/density consciousness. 

Celebrate this, then ask yourself, “Have I had enough?” “Have I had enough of being told I must do, be, think or feel a certain way?” 

Let’s take a look at your life.  Do you have power over yourself? Are you governing your mind/body/emotions and soul? There are energies at play that have for years been under the radar creating an experience on this planet of the illusion that you have had choice.

You may be thinking, “I choose my life all the time.” Actually, you DO choose, but are you CONSCIOUSLY choosing and are you REALLY aware of your choice?

Let’s break it down:

  • Mind: Do you believe what others tell you to believe? Do you only feed a narrative that supports your belief? Do you listen to others who tell you what to do? Or do you listen with a neutral mind and compassionate heart to everything to understand how all things have a place?

  • Body: Do you make decisions about your physical body? I.e. how to take care of it? How to keep it safe from harm? Or do you let others tell you what is best and allow them to influence or choose for you?

  • Emotions: Do you express what you feel without interference from another person who says what you feel is wrong? Or do you honor what you feel and trust that it is giving you direction?

  • Spirit: Are you influenced by what an outside authority is saying you must do to connect with God/Source/Oneness with all? Or do you listen to your gut, your intuition, when choosing how to move forward in your life? 

Why are these questions relevant? One simple truth. Your ability to choose is and has been challenged through you and outside of you.  It is being experienced by all of us in the form of victim consciousness, suffering, sacrifice and dogma.  Go back and read my blog on victim consciousness.  We are in it.  Hurray! We can choose whatever we want once we are aware.

Want to know something about choice? It directly affects your vibration.  Authentic truth must be expressed through choice.  So, if someone takes your ability to choose away from you, they are removing your ability to express authentically.  You can willingly give away your choice by simply not being who you are. Either way, you are at risk of becoming stuck in your current level of consciousness.  

The incredible thing about this is you have 100% power to choose if you will choose this reality.  Yep.  I know.  What??  YOU are choosing it.  “Do you want this experience?”  This is the question to ask yourself. Then choose.  Will you create your aligned world from your sovereign, authentic truth?  You see, as long as you choose and are not being controlled, manipulated or oppressed; ie. not allowed choice, you are lifting.  When you add compassion, understanding, empathy and love to choice, you birth the neutrality energy where if all is allowed to express, WE lift into HARMONY.


This is a big topic.  Take it in.  Feel into it.  

And above all…..DO NOT let me tell you what to do/think/feel/be/express!  What is YOUR sovereign choice here? It is not about what you choose.  No.  It’s not.  It is about you making that choice in alignment with the truth of who you are.  

That is the alchemy.

Love you.


  1. Our experience of life is shifting into a kaleidoscope of sacred geometry. Your life is opening into the experience of infinite timelines running at the same time.  It is like a dance from one unfolding energy fluidly into another; much like when you look through a kaleidoscope. Witness this.  You are not losing your mind when you notice something differently than you have before or you have an experience that you know you’ve had before, or perhaps a conversation you KNOW you’ve had with someone and they have no recall of it.  This is a lot to take in.  Be gentle with yourself. 

  2. Be “present” to create. In each moment, choose your experiences. You must be aligned with the experience you are creating.  If you are not the embodiment of your co-creation, you will not experience it. So, the minute you experience your resonance of expanded yes (knowing) for anything, behave in the awareness of the truth of it happening.  This is how we create. Trust and know who you are. October is loaded with retrogrades that drop off in intensity as the month progresses; meteor shower activity that will activate your dream cycles. Witness and learn what your  dreams are telling you.

  3. Stay aware of the victim consciousness that seeks to keep you out of your empowered, sovereign birthright. You stepped into a rebirth last month; a new awareness of who you are. Act with maturity. October brings in the experience of this rebirth. We continue with Mercury in retrograde through 10/16 and its post-phase through 11/2. Use this time to dig into where you are not in a loving relationship with yourself. Where are you not listening to your higher guidance? Bring yourself into balance. The sellarium energy of Libra is seeking to open our thinking into new ways of being and possibilities. Change is here.  Libra energy is all about finding balance, looking for the violet energy instead of red or blue, and striving to see things from both sides. This is a time of balance of inward and outer. Let your spirit lead you. You are being asked to work in compassion with others to lift into harmony.  This month you are being given the opportunity to witness the all expressing and choose to take ownership, claim your empowered space and see that when you're in up-leveled communication with yourself and others from a place of compassion you can release the suffering. No one is to blame.  You are your own sovereign being and your experience of others is simply their projection. Avoid moving backward into old ways and old relationships. Growth is forward.