Lisa Almquist

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The Force Behind the Shift

What an amazing time to be alive. YES, I said amazing! We are in the first stages of the biggest ascension event in the history of humankind.

The last few months have brought to us the opportunity to go “within” to really look at ourselves; BE with ourselves. Then before we were even released from that deep dive, we were brought another collective push to look within. The past week has brought an explosion of awareness for each of us to process.

We are feeling all the “things” and all while navigating through a collective grief experience. 

Lots of stuff coming up for people. BIG STUFF!

I’ve been hearing a theme from many of my clients this week. An awareness has come forward in the connection of the anger and pain being expressed. Many on a spiritual journey are grappling with the question of “Am I doing enough” to support change; specifically social change around systemic racism, inequality, social justice, collective and generational wound healing and shifting all that comes forward for us to choose a new way.  

We all have a role we play; and it’s based on our calling and alignment. These roles are ALL needed and equal. Collectively they carry the energy of ascended shift. I call it The Force Behind the Shift and it has 4 components:

  1. Funding Force: Souls called here donate money to causes supporting energetic shifts.

  2. Actionable Force: Souls called here donate time and use passionate action, including voicing authentic truth, to bring attention to what is collectively ready to shift.

  3. Creation Force: Souls called here donate time to develop new ways of being that support this shift.

  4. Soul Force: Souls called here listen, love and hold space for enlightenment.

All of these can be expressed in connection to 5th Dimension Consciousness IF compassion for all and the vision held through their lens is honored.   

So, to all feeling you are not doing enough, I realized that Soul Force. I unite with all those who are in alignment with Funding, Actionable and Creation Force. This is how shifts happen. Together we are better.

What I offer to you is this. Where do you align in the Force Behind the Shift? What feels expansive to you? That’s your calling!