Lisa Almquist

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Evolving: Signs that You Are In A Transformation (Part Two)

You are on an evolutionary journey.  Yes, you are or you would not be reading this blog. Life is different. Some differences have come in subtle ways; others came in massive pivots and redirections. A couple of months ago, I began getting messages to begin talking about what the signs are that you are evolving.  This blog is part two of a series of blogs on the subject of transformation. If you have not connected to part one of this series, click here to connect! I encourage you to connect to that at any time.

Now, as you reflect on these 10 signs of evolutionary transformation, grab a journal and use the provided journal prompts to write about what comes up for you. Here we go!

  1. You feel intense compassion for others. No matter what has presented itself to matter what a person says or matter what you are witnessing…you feel compassion for everyone involved.  This may be new for you and may not make a lot of sense. Things that used to trigger a judgment now illicit understanding and compassion.

    • Journal Prompt: This new level of compassion invites…

  2. You are experiencing increased enjoyment with alone time. You are beginning to crave solitude. This craving comes in after you notice you really like time alone and may be preceded by being overwhelmed by too much time with others. And if this is a new thing for you, you may actually begin to question if you are becoming antisocial or depressed. You can tell if this is an awakening process if you are in an experience of JOY in your alone time.

    • Journal Prompt: I notice my craving for alone time when…

  3. You are experiencing a need to simplify all areas of your life. All areas of your life are subject here; work, your home, your relationships, your routines, your self-care….all of it. Getting rid of physical clutter and energetic clutter brings a feeling of settling and peace. 

    • Journal Prompt: The areas of my life that I feel called to simplify are…

  4. You are getting clearer on who/what is really important to you. The way this moves forward is through experiences that force you to really look at these areas. And, the things that used to be important to you may not be anymore. You may feel unsettled in your work or relationships, and this brings in an introspective time that results in greater clarity.

    • Journal Prompt: The five most important areas/relationships in my life are…

  5. You are finding yourself concerned about your planet. You have an increased need to recycle. You know that our planet needs us to start loving her and you don’t understand where it is coming from. You may find yourself joining in causes or movements that address cleaning up our Gaia. Spending time in nature now brings great love for Earth.

    • Journal Prompt: The first thing that comes to mind regarding what Gaia needs at this time is…

  6. You are noticing timeline shifts and timeline surfing. This one can be wild. You may be noticing slight oddities in your experiences or surroundings.  Examples could be you notice an object in a place that you swear it wasn’t a few minutes ago, or you walk into a room and completely forget what you were doing, or you note the time on your clock and when you check again, you’ve either moved backward on the clock or time has moved faster than you feel it should have. This experience builds over time. These examples are just the beginning.

    • Journal Prompt: A time when I noticed that something seemed “off” was when…

  7. You are more intensely angry and more intensely peaceful. You are really swinging in your intense emotions. Levels of anger are rising as you process more trauma and experiences of peace come in more potently as that trauma is processed.

    • Journal Prompt: The last thing I was really angry about was…

    • Journal Prompt: The last time I experienced intense peace was…

  8. You are allowing yourself to be fully in your emotions. You are beginning to allow all of your emotions to really flow. In the past, you may have compartmentalized your feelings and only really felt them if there was the right time and place. You now are seeing that every emotion has great value and that as they arise, the more you honor them the more you lift.

    • Journal Prompt: When I fully allow my emotions to express, I notice…

  9. You are releasing all the “shoulds” from your life. You are beginning to make choices based upon expansive “yes” and contracting “no” signals.  If you do not align with doing something, you are not allowing “I should go to that event.” to guilt you into making a misaligned choice.  

    • Journal Prompt: When I listen to my expanded “yes'' and contracting “no”, my experience is…

  10. You notice how your energy is affected by others. You feel drained when spending time with certain people and energized in the presence of others.  You notice how time at events or in places make you feel.

  • Journal Prompt: The last time I noticed a drain in my energy, I was…

You ARE evolving. And as such, it is a process.  Your rising frequency and the lifting of collective consciousness is an ever-refining journey.  This is just the beginning.

Stay tuned…

Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. This month is all about Unconditional Love. This is not “your momma’s” definition of it though.  It is a space where all the 3D stuff plays out and you dive right in and then you hold yourself fully accountable; deeply loving yourself in your fullness. This isn’t unicorns and rainbows stuff.  And it projects outside of you to all situations, events, and relationships in your life. So, can you apply love when hate is running the show? Look deep.

  2. June is packed with cosmic influence! Mercury moves direct on 6/2 inviting you to apply what you’ve learned during retrograde. Saturn moves retrograde on 6/4-5 and you get your annual 5-month look at your life purpose. 6/6 portal brings the opportunity to focus on the harmonious neutral path. Remember that unconditional love theme? Goddess Super Moon hits on 6/14.  With the moon in its closest perigee of the month, we get a big kick of releasing everything you've racked up for the past six months. 6/18 completed the Mercury Retrograde shadow period and you bring closure to your lessons from it. Then we have the Solstice on 6/20-21. This brings in the most amount of light in the northern hemisphere and the least in the southern hemisphere. This solstice has an ascension kick to it. Will you choose an eye for an eye or will you desire for the world to see higher? 6/27-28 brings in Neptune Retrograde and deeper/greater spiritual dives and awakening. We round out the month with the only micro new moon for the year. You cleared out the last six months with that Super moon. Now set your intentions for the next six. Let inspiration guide you here and take action instead of just thinking about it! This month will move fast. 

  3. This month is energetically potent and has a particularly powerful middle section. 6/16 through 6/27 brings in opportunities to choose with compassion. 3D situations play out. Can you stay committed to your ascended mastery presence? Unconditional love requires that you be aware of what is playing out around you and be love, not hate; to understand, not judge, and to forgive, not condemn. This takes steadfast commitment, focused awareness, and complete trust. Will you experience the freedom that comes from non-judgment? Will you step into the energy of peace that births from unconditional love? Raise your hands in a self blessing of peace and hold that container for Gaia. How can you connect to one another in the balance of the understanding that everything has the right to exist?

I will be connecting live within the Awakening Spirit Membership throughout this month on the topics above. If you would like to join me learn more!