Lisa Almquist

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Igniting Your Active Presence of Being

What does it even mean when I say the time has come to ignite your “active presence of being”? This blog will look at what this is and what this isn’t.  We have leveled up to a state of consciousness; a frequency, where we are being given the opportunity to become even more fully present as our truest authentic selves in order to serve humanity in our own unique way. This requires us to look at how we have been connecting to the presence in our old, “no longer serving us” frequency.

Where we have been…

Presence is a buzzword in the spiritual community.  You have likely heard the phrase, holding presence in reference to someone, a situation, or an event playing out.  To hold presence for another is a beautiful gift. It is, however, a gift of rescue in a lower frequency and dances in the triangle of victim consciousness.  When you hold presence in this way, you are energetically in alignment with the person, situation, or event not being ok, aligned, or correct in its expression just as it is. This is a judgment that leads to the desire to rescue them from the situation by holding energy, space, presence… It requires by its expression that there is someone/something that is being harmed or treated as less than…VICTIMIZED. It also requires by its expression that someone/something is…ABUSING and that someone/something is RESCUING. This rescuing energy is where the lower frequency of holding presence resides.  

We are being offered the choice to expand our frequency to see that as we see all experiences as Divinely offered for each Divine being in their Divine soul-contracted expression, the uplevel expression of holding presence is ignited through lifting up out of victim consciousness through becoming the mentor, the teacher and the healer. So, what does this look like? Here we go…

Where we are going if we choose…

Holding presence in lower frequency alchemizes to standing in your active presence of being when you can see the dance in the victim triangle of the no longer serving expression of holding presence. You see that all is playing out as it is meant to for each being as they sovereignly choose. You understand that each being is a master and not a victim. You understand that they are not in need of rescuing but are instead worthy of you knowing that they understand what is best for them at that moment. You understand that as they are a master they cannot be a victim and therefore an abuser is only a limited perception, for all is occurring through choice.

When we achieve this level of understanding, we leave victim consciousness and elevate. Compassion for all experiencing all is all-ways aligned.  This isn’t about stepping out of compassion. Loving everyone fully is always high vibrational. The experience of standing in your active presence of being vs. holding presence is this…

In your clarity of purpose, alignment, and knowing of your most authentic and radical self, you stand up and take action toward the expression of that state of presence. This is NOT activism.  Standing in your active presence of being is choosing to BE in stance for what is aligned for you; to know that ALL is valid and to take steps to do the work to further what matters to you in your state of presence. It is action energy; one of love.

When active presence of being is chosen…

Simply stated. We lift in consciousness; first personally and then as a collective. 

Three Things to Know in This Months Energy

  1. This month brings in significant 5D energy upgrades through portals and solar streaming energy.   Old, denser energies within ourselves will be welcomed home into the wholeness of who you are through deep compassion and full active presence of being. Pay attention to where your energy feels the heaviest, where you are emotionally reactive, or when you are digging your heels in. This is your call to let go and lighten. Heart expansion, emotional purging, expansion of spiritual gifts, and light body activation will be experienced. Ascension symptoms may be amplified this month.

  2. This is a choice month.  You will find yourself with the opportunity to make conscious choices around experiences from July that you became aware of in June.  Connect back to June. What was new in your awareness? You will be faced with the choice to uplevel into a new, higher version of yourself connected into those awarenesses. The choice is here for humanity on a collective level to either level-up or leave it here. Stay in your power.  Stand with courage and be resilient.  Freedom to choose is the gateway to lifting your personal consciousness and your drive to live your most “roaring” life will see you achieve anything you choose IF you are patient and firm in your resolve.

  3. Significant events to note are 1- the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8; however, we are already in this gateway. This is a portal/gateway/corridor that arrives every year when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and Earth, specifically The Pyramids of Giza,  all line-up.  This cosmic rubik's cube clicks into place bringing in the opportunity for magical manifestation. This is an energy period that bridges into higher dimensions of consciousness.  This is a massive period of spiritual growth. 2 - The full moon in Aquarius on 8/11 offers a release of what isn’t working in our lives in a big way.  This moon reminds us that every person is equally important to the collective consciousness and is being called forward in the active presence of being as their truest authentic self to serve in their own unique way. 3 - Mercury Retrograde Pre-phase comes in on 8/20 giving us another look into what we have not yet fully understood or processed. Much more to come on that.  Stay tuned!

I will be connecting live within the Awakening Spirit Membership throughout this month on the topics above. If you would like to join me learn more!