Lisa Almquist

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Finding Harmony Through the Release of Victim Consciousness | An Introduction

How many times do you say something close to the following statements?

How many times do you notice others who are saying things like them?

These statements are all examples of the different sides of the triangle of victim consciousness. 

In lower frequencies, we play the roles and witness others play the roles of victim, abuser and rescuer.

So, what is it?

A simple breakdown is this... When you find yourself blaming someone for an experience you are in, you are playing the victim.  Always. When you are on the receiving end of the blame energy, you are (whether conscious of it or not) in the abuser role. You are also in the abuser role when you in your victim energy use manipulation to control another person or situation. Then comes in the rescuer. The rescuer is the person who always “has your back” or “makes it right” FOR you. Catch that? When someone is rescuing you, they are in agreement that you are the victim and they must rescue you from the grips of the abuser.

We ALL play these roles AND we play ALL the roles at some point in our connections with others.

Why do we experience this? 

Simply answered… to heal.  We navigate in this space when we are playing out wounds, life scripts and old programming.  When we are aware of it, we move into a space where we can wake up to what the Universe is offering to us. When we can see the dance of the victim, abuser and rescuer, we can then look inside ourselves. When we look inside and uncover our pain, we step into a space of bringing harmony within and therefore harmony into the collective.  This is coming up HUGE for everyone right now as we are lifting as a human collective into a space where harmony rules.  How do you release victim consciousness as a collective?  Make everyone have to face their pain.  So, celebrate as your awarenesses come forward.  

What can we do about it?

Understand that hurt people, hurt people.  This is where victim consciousness has it’s most fertile soil. When we are in pain, we will do most anything to avoid being in that experience, so we project blame onto another person or situation and we seek partners in that pain to validate that we are indeed the victim. This avoidance only locks you into another loop where you will experience that pain. We must FEEL our stuff.  This is how we heal it. We must allow others to be in their experiences without rescuing them.  I am not saying that we don’t intervene when a life is at stake. 

Really look at your interactions and responses.  Take note, maybe for the first time, where you are playing in this triangle of energy. Noticing it leads to awareness.  Awareness leads to new experiences.  Experience leads to choice. You might be surprised how much time you spend complaining, blaming and rescuing.  Celebrate when you see it.  You are one step closer to healing.

I am right there with you on this journey.  Lots of love.