Lisa Almquist

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Evolving: Signs that You Are In A Transformation (Third and Final Part)

You are on an evolutionary journey. Yes, you are or you would not be reading this blog. Life is different. Some differences have come in subtle ways; others came in massive pivots and redirections. A couple of months ago, I began getting messages to begin talking about what the signs are that you are evolving. This blog is the final part of a series of blogs on the subject of transformation. If you have not connected to the first two parts of this series; connect with Part One & Part Two. I encourage you to connect to that at any time.

Now, as you reflect on these 10 signs of evolutionary transformation, grab a journal and use the provided journal prompts to write about what comes up for you. Here we go!

  1. Your food interests are changing. As we evolve the match for foods and drinks that nourish our bodies changes. All things that we put into our body have a frequency. You may find that meats, dairy, and alcohol have less appeal. As we heal, we also let go of certain foods that we used to turn to for comfort. The biggest lesson here is to intuitively listen to what your body is asking for.

    • Journal Prompt: I feel “lightest” when I eat and/or drink….  

  2. You are releasing attachments to things. As we lift and evolve in our consciousness we start to see our connections to others and our experiences in events and situations from a less attached perspective.  We begin to trust and surrender to the highest experience of ourselves, events, and timelines. This leads us to not be so focused on the outcomes or our individual experiences in a relationship. You are stepping into an understanding of the “highest experience for all involved”.

    • Journal Prompt:  I feel a greater sense of trust around…

  3. You are experiencing a greater acceptance of everything. As you are trusting and surrendering to the flow of the universe and releasing attachments, it is easier to see that everything has the right to exist.  You are less emotionally charged by events and accept that all that is happening is meant to express.

    • Journal Prompt: When I accept that what is happening is meant to be happening, I…

  4. You are no longer interested in chasing after someone or something. You have become so clear in who you are and your worth, that relationships with people who don’t see you for your truth are no longer aligned. The same thing goes for “things”.  You understand that someone or something is either a match or it isn’t and you do not feel the need to chase it to prove it.

    • Journal Prompt: When I lovingly release relationships and situations that are not flowing with ease, I experience…

  5. You are feeling intense love for animals. I mean ALL animals.  Like the bug you find in your bedroom; the cows you see in a field; the geese that fly overhead; your pets… You find it almost impossible to stomach slaughtering practices (this adds to your changing food interests) and you spend significant time rescuing the moth in your house to release it outside LOL. Evolution leads to increased LOVE for everything.

    • Journal Prompt: A way I feel called to love animals is…

  6. Signs and synchronicities are everywhere. You are seeing repeating number patterns; birds and other animals are crossing your path leading you to examine the spiritual meaning of them; validation experiences of thoughts; instant manifestation; interaction with spirit guides; a feather on your path... The more you see and acknowledge, the more they occur.

    • Journal Prompt: Signs from the universe to me, mean…

  7. You are seeing the wisdom in children. The littles on this planet have within them an intense knowing. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their words. They are our greatest teachers and we are learning to listen to their remembrance of who we really are.  They are born in a higher vibration. They are masterful energy processors. They let you know how they feel and own it. This leads to great healing for everyone.

    • Journal Prompt: When a child shows me their truth, I feel…

  8. You are drawn toward natural, holistic healing approaches. Perhaps you’ve always been open to them but more likely you are expanding your connection to them. Traditional medicine has its place on the continuum of care but you are seeing the value in wellness approaches including herbs, essential oils, chiropractic, naturopath, energy healing…

    • Journal Prompt: When I feel “off” physically, I am drawn to…

  9. You are experiencing increases in creativity. Your sacral chakra and third-eye chakra are connected.  Your sacral chakra connects you to your creative energy and since you are evolving, your third-eye chakra has awakened your connection to your intuition. When your intuition is amplified, you have a greater frequency of “hits” creatively and therefore you are feeling more creative.

    • Journal Prompt: If I could create anything, it would be…

  10. You are seeing the interconnectivity of everything. As you evolve you begin to understand that there are no coincidences and that the Universe has a plan for everything.  As part of that plan, certain things occur that lead to others.  Our “human” self can not see how one thing may be connected to another, but our “awakening” self, our higher self, can.  You are beginning to see that.

    • Journal Prompt: The last time I noticed the connection between two events was…

You ARE evolving. And as such, it is a process.  Your rising frequency and the lifting of collective consciousness is an ever-refining journey.  This is just the beginning. 

My challenge for you is to continue to notice and journal on new signs that you are evolving. These 30 are a starting conversation.  Keep it going in your own life.


Three Things to Know in This Month’s Energy

  1. This month of experience requires you to stay centered in who you are. Love has actually become a threat on our planet. Love IS truth. Vibrationally they are the same. So, when your love becomes a threat, gather with greater love…so much love that your sovereign alignment attracts others and the common love you are sharing will guard you from anything other than love. You will see increased opportunities to choose to respond with consciousness. Become the commander. As you command your experience, it will become more clear that there are two different worlds that are expressing.  Which one will you fuel? Fear (where your sovereign right to choose your alignment is threatened) or love (when ALL has the right to express)?

  2. Your intentions will manifest IF you stay out of density.  Activate your sovereignty! There will be many experiences where you will feel that everyone or everything is out to get you. Perhaps projects or relationships are challenged. Stay in your Divine Wisdom around this. You are amplifying and upleveling super fast in these situations. Stay your course and Be in your truth. The Sirian Gateway (7/3 - 7/7) offers an amplified spiritual awakening.  Your intuition, soul awareness and divine wisdom are revving up. Listen to what YOU know to be the correct course of action for you.

  3. The month’s week-end power-boosts are a major focus.  There is a stability and support in these two day chunks of time that cushion between the weeks.  Use them like a buoy as the weeks this month will feel very much like you are swimming in waters that are too choppy to navigate without a lifejacket. The polarities of all situations or events will be in equal power and will continue to punch at each other.  Choose the neutral navigation. That is not to say that you can’t have an opinion or align with what YOUR choice is for YOU. The middle of the month brings a Super Moon event. BE love on this day. Send LOVE; the U.S. specifically needs this on the 13th as a great imbalance is coming to an energetic head. Will you remember that you are your own master? Or, will you allow another to command your light for you?

I will be connecting live within the Awakening Spirit Membership throughout this month on the topics above. If you would like to join me learn more!